Talking With TatchellPeter Tatchell presents his show which takes a look at controversial issues affecting the Globe
Hands off the people of Iran (21/09/2007) Neither Washington nor Tehran. A war against Iran would strengthen the dictatorship.
Peter Tatchell interviews Mark Fischer of Hands Off the People of Iran and Yassamine Mather of Workers Left Unity Iran in Talking with Tatchell. Supporting the Iranian people's struggle for democracy and human rights is the key to resolving the nuclear crisis and preventing a needless, unjustified war. US military intervention would be used by President Ahmadinejad as an excuse to intensify his crack down on dissent in the name of defending national security.
Deze viewing bevat schokkende beelden! This viewing contains shocking images! توجه! بخش گزارشی این مصاحبه شامل تصاویرتکان دهنده است. ازنمایش این تصاویر برای کودکان و نوجوانان خودداری نمایید Viewing Interview مصاحبه پیتر تتچل با مارک فیشر و یاسمین ماتر No to imperialist war! No to the theocratic regime!
نه به جنگ امپرياليستی عليه ايران . نه به رژيم جمهوری اسلامی در ايران |